Behind the Bar Series: #2

Ahh Coffee: Jose

Tucked away in East Downtown are local music venues, bars, a vibrant nightlife and then there is Ahh Coffee. A quick drive and you could miss it. But if seeking with intention then it’s a grand location with plenty of space and some extremely comfortable couches.

Jose, the barista at bar, had been working with Ahh Coffee since January. While making a cappuccino to taste, he mentioned how much he enjoyed working at the shop with his boss and coworkers. Behind each drink, is a working team that moves and shifts around together as a group. Always tight, always communicative.

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Barista: Jose

Barista: Jose

While the essence of coffee is important, what really made it worthwhile for Jose was the respect behind his work ethic. To put trust in him garnered loyalty and top tier results. A transparent value held at Ahh Coffee.

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